Music hey guys, welcome back to my channel! So today is another requested video. If you like requested videos or just my videos in general, be sure to hit that subscribe button, pretty please. But as always, let's get started. So, as you guys could see, this is a video about bah. I'm just gonna be talking about it, giving a breakdown of my experience and my thoughts. And, you know, like always, just advice. Basically, what bah stands for is Basic Allowance for Housing. All military service men or women get it once they get married. You can get it before you get married, but you have to be a certain rank. The way bah works is it depends on the service men or women's zip code and ranking. For example, if me and Connor were to live in Seattle, our bah would be higher because Seattle has a higher cost of living than Everett, where we live now. So, it just depends on the zip code, not just the state, but the actual area that your base is located or the base that you're stationed at is located. The way bah is calculated is it basically takes the average cost of living for rent and utilities. I think it's about 70% rent and 30% utilities, and it kind of fluctuates between zip codes. That's basically what bah is. It's the average of rent and the average of utilities put together to form a number that you get for bah. Now, you guys that have been with me from the very beginning know that young Brittney says, "Do not marry for the bah, do not marry for the money." And when it comes to bah, I think from the ages of 18 to maybe about 23, we are in this age of, you know,...
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Army national guard marysville wa Form: What You Should Know
Recruiting & Enlisting” (written circa 1882) “Instructions of Discipline” (written circa 1902) “Instructions of Recruiting” (written circa 1897) “Instructions of Training” (1899) Letter to a Recruiter at Camp Pendleton Washington State Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Defense, The Washington State National Guard: National Guard Bureau The Washington State National Guard Bureau was established to provide for the general affairs of the Washington National Guard, the District of Columbia National Guard, and, as prescribed in the act of Congress approved March 12, 1951 (Public Law 84-4), the State of Washington State Guard. The Bureau was responsible for the following: (a) Providing such administrative assistance as may be necessary for the use and management of the National Guard Bureau and its agencies and for the performance of its duties; (b) Performing such other administrative duties as the President, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General for the District of Columbia may consider necessary or desirable to the full enjoyment of the functions of the National Guard under this Act; (c) Directing the collection of, disbursing, and accounting for the moneys of the United States for the National Guard; (d) Disbursing and accounting for such moneys as may be necessary to enable the Army National Guard and D.C. National Guard to provide the same or equivalent public services as the Army and D.C. National Guard; (e) Directing and supervising the operations of the Army and D.C. National Guard in connection with their respective organizations; and (f) Directing and supervising the conduct of the personnel of all the Army National Guard and D.C. National Guard units under its control to the full extent provided for them by law. A Washington National Guard recruiting office can be contacted in D.C. at, and in the District of Columbia at.  Maine The Governor of the State of Maine has this to say on National guard recruitment; This legislation has been a long time coming because of the hard work and cooperation of so many members of the Maine National Guard.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Army national guard marysville wa